Aesthetic Dentistry
Creating a smile you can be proud of.
Tooth-Coloured Repair Materials
Tooth-coloured restorations are a viable option for any patient. Tooth-coloured fillings are placed in a suitably prepared tooth to fully restore the tooth to its original shape and function. This kind of material is essential for any work done on teeth surfaces that are visible.
Tooth Straightening
Orthodontic treatment is the use of braces or retainers, most commonly to straighten crooked teeth or to correct prominent upper front teeth. The type of brace chosen depends on the problems that have to be corrected. Braces can be transparent or hidden. This treatment is available to both adults and children.
We would be happy to give you more information and refer you to an appropriate practitioner.
Crowns and Bridges
When teeth are badly damaged they may be too weak to survive with just a filling. By repairing it with a crown, a tooth may be given a new lease of life. A crown is a specially prepared copy of the tooth which needs repair. The remaining tooth structure is shaped and the crown is then cemented onto this. Even when a single tooth is missing a denture may not be required as a bridge can be used to span the gap. A bridge will utilise the two teeth that are adjacent to the gap to support a replica tooth to fill the space.
Crowns and bridges are made from several different materials, gold and porcelain being the most common types.
What’s Next?
Get in touch if you would like more information or to book your appointment.
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Opening Hours
Our normal opening hours are:
Monday – Friday
8.00am – 5.00pm
Please note that we are closed between the hours of 1pm – 2pm.
If you need to contact us, please leave a message, and we will get back to you.